Metal Cutting Thickness For Different Huayuan CNC Plasma Power Source
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Metal Cutting Thickness For Different Huayuan CNC Plasma Power Source

Views: 2003     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-12-19      Origin: Site

Plasma cutting machine cutting thickness:
Domestic 60A plasma power supply cutting capacity ≤3mm,
Imported USA Hypertherm 63A≤ 6mm;
The cutting capacity of domestic 100A plasma cutting machines is generally ≤18mm.
Quality cutting capacity ≤12mm;
Imported 100A plasma power supply cutting capacity ≤20mm,
Quality cutting capacity is less than 18mm,
200A plasma power supply cutting capacity, thickness ≤30mm,
Quality cutting capacity is less than ≤22mm,
Imported 200A plasma cutting capacity ≤38mm,
Quality cutting capacity ≤25mm.



From the perspective of plasma cutting situation,
Plasma cutting machines are divided into two types: mechanical and manual.
Generally the same power supply,
The cutting thickness of the manual curved handle is equivalent to 2-3 times the cutting capacity of the machine!
Generally speaking,
The cutting thickness of the plasma cutting machine is determined by the power of the plasma power supply.
But different plasma power supplies,
The cutting thickness is also different.
Even for plasma cutting machines of the same power,
There is also a big difference between domestic and imported products!
Judging from the current production location of plasma cutting machines,
Mainly divided into two categories,
One category is imported brands such as: American Hypertherm, American Pegasus, etc., German Kelber, Japanese OTC, etc.! There are many types of domestic products, dozens of them, but Ruiling, Huayuan, Hetrich, Fanyang, and Nantong are generally used more often.
In terms of cutting quality,
Divided into ordinary plasma, fine plasma and laser-like plasma cutting machines,
The domestically produced power supply is generally called an ordinary plasma cutting machine power supply.
Imported brands include all plasma cutting machine models
Plasma cutting thickness and model selection, in terms of price comparison, the price of domestic products is low, while the price of imported products is relatively high. For the same power size plasma power supply, imported products are several times as much as domestic ones! No matter which plasma power supply you choose, you must be cautious when purchasing it, and consult a professional technical manufacturer before purchasing!

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