What is the difference between a pulsed laser cleaning machine and a continuous laser cleaning machine?
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What is the difference between a pulsed laser cleaning machine and a continuous laser cleaning machine?

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-11-15      Origin: Site

You must have seen many videos of laser cleaning machines for rust removal, paint removal and weld removal on SMARTECH CNC LASER YouTube (SMARTECH China). 

Experiments show that both the continuous laser cleaning machine and the pulsed laser cleaning machine can remove paint and other pollution-free materials on the surface of the material to achieve the cleaning effect. 

But under the same power condition, the efficiency of pulsed laser cleaning machine is much higher than that of continuous laser cleaning machine. 

In addition, pulsed laser cleaning can better control the heat input and prevent the substrate temperature from being too high or slightly soluble.


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The continuous laser cleaning machine has a price advantage, and users can make up for the gap between the efficiency and the pulsed laser cleaning machine by using a high-power laser.

 But higher machine power means greater heat input and increased damage to the substrate. 

Therefore, the application scenarios of the two laser cleaning equipment are fundamentally different. 

Pulse laser cleaning machines are mainly used in scenarios with high precision, requiring strict control of the heating of the substrate, and requiring the substrate to be non-destructive. 

Such as precision instruments, historical relics, precious metals, molds and other fields.


The continuous laser cleaning machine is mainly used in some large-scale steel, pipelines, construction machinery and other materials with large heat dissipation blocks and low requirements for substrate damage.                                                                                                                                                                           

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